Please see the June 2024 newsletter
Author: Ian Dawes
Retrofitting is the term for working to improve a home’s energy efficiency, making it easier to heat, able to retain that heat for longer, and for replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy. This is a challenge for any existing house, but in Marshfield s are heightened by the historical nature of the housing stock – part of what makes Marshfield such a great place to live.
Come along Marshfield Community Centre 11:00 – 14:00 on Saturday 27th April for an exhibition on retrofitting, you can also view the exhibition boards from April 2024.
Some good news at last- the affordable housing scheme is underway!
We are delighted to have reached this point at last. As you know it’s been a long time coming; we hit the problems of Covid and the financial crisis of the last two years at just the wrong time and it has taken a lot of work to secure the extra funding required for the project to go ahead.
We are particularly delighted and relieved because we know of many other CLT’s whose schemes have floundered since the start of Covid due to the challenges of achieving planning consent and financial viability.
But after over 7 years, MCLT, Brighter Places and the owners of Garston Farm have signed the land transfer agreement for our new affordable housing development. MCLT now owns the site and has immediately leased it to Brighter Places who will build and manage the houses on a long-term lease. At the same time Brighter Places has also signed a contract with Winsley-White Building Contractors & Developers Ltd to build 15 new homes, 10 for social rent and 5 for shared ownership. See the Brighter Places press release.
Winsley White will now begin work on the necessary detailed plans and hopes to start work on site in April. The scheme will take around 14 months to build. The construction work will include access from the A420, the connection to Marshfield sewerage system and the creation of a new footpath from the development into the village.
All the homes are designed to provide sustainable living, with the affordable homes built to Pasivhaus standards which will provide high levels of insulation and low energy consumption using the latest Air Source Heat Pumps.
All the affordable homes are for people with a local connection to Marshfield and will take account of the housing need of applicants. Local connection will be assessed in relation to whether people have previously or currently live in Marshfield and if so for how long, whether people are employed in Marshfield and for what length of time and whether people have strong family links with someone who has lived in Marshfield for a few years.
Those details will be set out in a local letting policy which will be made available when the early stages of the build are underway, and the assessment and allocation process will start approximately 6 months before the completion of the project.
It is very important for anyone interested in renting one of these houses, to register as soon as possible with South Gloucestershire Council HomeChoice so that they can be seen to have a housing need at They will then be ready to apply through HomeChoice for one of the MCLT affordable homes when they are advertised on the HomeChoice website. Those interested in the shared ownership homes should register with Brighter Places first via their website .
Brighter Places will host an open day when building starts on site for people to come and find out more information on the properties and how to apply for one and this will be well advertised.
When the scheme is finished and occupied it will stand as a major achievement, demonstrating that local people, with community support and political backing, can get together and succeed in providing for their own housing needs.
We would not have reached this point without support from South Gloucestershire Council, Homes England, Marshfield Parish Council, our members, Marshfield community, our architect Reed Watts who gave us a barn-like design that suits the area and from our partner Brighter Places who have never given up in spite of endless obstacles. We have all kept going because we know there is a real need in Marshfield for affordable homes for local people. Thank you to everyone for support over the long period of time that it has taken to get to this point.
MCLT Board: Christine Eden, Oliver Shirley, Simon Turner, Jim Brookes, Ian Dawes, Ian Jones, Ros Snow, Vicky Williams
Community Energy Exhibition

SGC Local Plan Phase 2 Consultation response
South Gloucestershire Council are currently on a phase 2 consultation on the local plan. This is significant as it will set the framework for planning in Marshfield for the next 20 years. The consultation closes on 4th April.
The full documentation is quite extensive and Marshfield CLT will be responding to relevant sections. Our initial response has been circulated to members and can be found here:
AGM 2021
Covid-19 restrictions are no longer a legal requirement but MCLT has decided not to old a face- to- face AGM but as with last year we invite you to participate through the process set out in the list below.
Voting on agenda items will be done through a pro-forma sent to you on Wed Oct 13th 2021 after nominations for the Board have closed and any resolutions have been received.
- AGM papers to members Sat 2 October2021
- Members return nominations for the Board Noon Sat 9 Oct 2021
- Members submit any AGM Resolutions Noon Sat 9 Oct 2021
- Members receive voting papers Wed 13 October 2021
- Members return voting papers Noon Wed 20 Oct 2021
- AGM by Zoom -details to be sent nearer AGM date. Sat 12.00noon Oct 23 2021
Hard copies of nominations, resolutions and voting pro-forma to be sent to:
The Secretary, Marshfield Community Land Trust at The Tolzey Hall, 41 High
Street, Marshfield.
By email to:
The AGM will be held through Zoom at 12.00noon on Saturday 23rd October 2021.
Updated FAQs
Please follow these links to see Marshfield CLT updated FAQs (jpg file) for June 2021.
Community Energy Zoom
MCLT would like to extend an open invite to the Marshfield Community Energy Zoom meeting on Monday 29th March at 19:30. Join us to find out more and ask questions about the proposed project.
Planning application submitted
On 24th December MarshfieldCLT submitted the planning application for 18 dwellings to the east of Marshfield. The application in publicly available on the South Gloucestershire planning portal.
There are 45 documents associated with this application. The two that give the overview of the application are the Design and Access Statements. Comments in support would be very welcome and of course you can also make objections if you wish. Comments have to be made by Feb 13th 2020. A reminder that this application is for a rural exception site which can only be considered for planning approval because it meets certain planning policy criteria. These include a requirement that the development is small scale and that homes will be for people in housing need with a local connection. Any planning approval will be subject to a legal agreement to ensure that the properties will always remain available at an affordable price for people in housing need and prioritised for those with a local connection.