MCLT Full Code of Conduct

Marshfield CLT Code of Conduct

1. Any Board member or member who acts in a way from which a reasonable person may conclude that the individual or group responsible acted with the intention of causing or risking causing harm to the CLT or with neglect to the same, whether reputational, financial or of any other nature may
risk termination of their membership.

2.   Behaviour during all CLT meetings
2.1 To allow CLT business to progress all people attending any meeting of the CLT must agree to abide by the code of conduct and act in a manner that supports equal opportunities for all. In contributing to the meeting, everyone will ensure that comments they make do not amount to a personal attack on another individual and should avoid using heated and emotional words or behaviour. Individual and personal disputes should not be allowed to affect conduct within the meeting. People should not have meetings within meetings by discussing issues with other individuals or groups of individuals.

  • 2.2 They must:
    •    act appropriately and treat others’ contributions with respect
    •    allow everyone to take part without interruption or intimidation and treat everyone equally
    •    declare any private interests in the matters discussed
    •    act with complete integrity in any dealings with or on behalf of the society
    •    treat the society’s affairs as confidential and not disclose anything outside of meetings except what is already in the public domain, or what they are expressly authorised by the governing body to disclose
    •    not seek to gain any advantage for themselves, their family or friends
    •    act or speak in a way that may be perceived as bullying, abusive, discriminatory or derogatory
    •    respect the ruling of the Chair.
    •    address the meeting via the Chair.

3.   The Chair of a meeting is allowed to set a time limit on someone who is permitted to speak.

4.   Everyone must accept and abide by majority decisions, respecting the collective decision making process

5.   Majority Decisions
5.1 If a project is voted on and agreed by a majority of those present at a properly constituted meeting and a member or group of members cannot support the project, their membership of the CLT will not be forfeit unless they fail to act in accordance with this Code of Conduct.

5.2 Within any constraints imposed by the decisions already made, reasonable argument and debate, conducted in a fair way and in accordance with this Code of Conduct, will be encouraged.

6.   Declarations of Interest
The Agenda will include an item allowing members to declare whether they have any personal, financial or other material interest in any item on the Agenda. The Chair and the remaining voting members of the meeting will then decide whether individuals declaring an interest must leave the
meeting for the relevant item or just not take part in the discussion or decision making.

7.   Confidentiality
7.1 Meetings may receive information which is not in the public domain often relating to individuals, organisations or financial matters. It is the responsibility of each individual to ensure that this information remains confidential to the meeting unless prior authorisation has been given by the Chair for this to be discussed elsewhere. Individuals must never use confidential information for their personal advantage or the advantage or disadvantage of anyone known to them or to disadvantage or discredit the CLT.
7.2 Any Member guilty of disclosing confidential information may be subject to termination of their membership.

8.   Breaches of the Code of Conduct during Meetings
8.1 Anyone who does not comply with the Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the meeting by the Chair. Anyone excluded from a meeting because of their behaviour will only be allowed to return to future meetings if they agree to abide by the code of conduct.

AGM on 9th Sept ’17

The Marshfield Community Land Trust held its first annual general meeting on Saturday, 9th Sept 2017, in the Church Hall at 11.00 a.m.

We ratified the election and re-election of directors; Simon Turner gave a report on the finances of the CLT: Christine Eden reported on the work we have been doing over the last few months.

Full details are in the minutes.


New board of MCLT directors

A new board of directors was elected at the special general meeting of the members of the MCLT on the 7th Dec ’16.  The MCLT chair (Christine Eden) provided a progress report and, as required by the rules, the initial set of 9 interim directors all resigned so that a new set could be elected by the members. Actually, it’s almost exactly the same people – it’s just that we have now been approved by the members. Howard Finnegan had to withdraw because of pressure of work. He will be missed.

Now we are eight.