The MCLT grant for a feasibility study has now arrived.
The MCLT recently has had some good news.
After four months of waiting we have finally received the grant from Homes England that allows us to undertake the feasibility study on our affordable housing project and preferred site. We now have some of the grant funding in our bank account and have been able to send out contracts to our various consultants who will help with our feasibility study.
We need to get reports from: a ground engineer; an engineer; an ecologist; an archaeologist; a topographical surveyor and a landscape architect. All these reports will then go to the project architects who are Reed Watts from London and Bath who will bring all that data together and make some suggestions of design and site layout. They will be working also with our Housing Association, United Communities from Bristol.
We will be bringing those ideas back to the village for consultation before we submit a planning application. It is only at the point when we know a planning application is successful that we finally enter into the legal and binding contract with the landowner.
There’s a long way to go before we have homes for local people to live in but it feels as if the dream is slowly turning into reality.
Please get in touch with any of the Board with queries or ideas.
From: Christine Eden, Chair ( ) 01225 891525
Board members: Oliver Shirley, Simon Turner, Jenny Gibbons, Ian Jones, Ian Dawes, Jim Brookes, Ros Snow.