Planning application submitted

On 24th December MarshfieldCLT submitted the planning application for 18 dwellings to the east of Marshfield. The application in publicly available on the South Gloucestershire planning portal.

There are 45 documents associated with this application. The two that give the overview of the application are the Design and Access Statements.  Comments in support would be very welcome and of course you can also make objections if you wish. Comments  have to be made by Feb 13th 2020. A reminder that this application is for a rural exception site which can only be considered for planning approval because it meets certain planning policy criteria. These include a requirement that the development is small scale and that homes will be for  people in housing need with a local connection. Any planning approval will be subject to a legal agreement  to ensure that the properties will always remain available at an affordable price for people in housing need and prioritised for those with a local connection.