Dear MCLT Member 9th May 2018
It’s about time we let you know what we’ve been doing since our Annual Report so here’s an update on our latest activities.
Site Search
Our top priority is to develop affordable homes and we are still heavily involved in finding a site. As anyone who has bought or sold a house will know, this can be a tortuous and time consuming process. When it comes to acquiring land for development the issues to be resolved can be even more complicated – not just business and family considerations but planning constraints, neighbour issues and the likely response of the village. But we think that because MCLT is a not-for-profit organisation and embedded in the local community it stands the best chance of finding solutions which are acceptable to all parties.
Energy Group
The CLT aims to develop a range of community assets not just affordable homes. Elsewhere CLTs are running shops, pubs, community gardens and other projects. Here in Marshfield an opportunity has arisen to build on the important pioneer work around local energy use and storage which has been carried out over the past few years. We’re pleased to announce that a newly formed Marshfield Energy Working Group is now operating as part of the MCLT.
Facebook and Website
We’d like to extend a warm welcome to Jenny Gibbons, who has recently joined the MCLT board. Jenny’s first task has been, in collaboration with board member Ian Dawes, to create the new MCLT Facebook page. Go and have a look if you haven’t already visited it. Also don’t forget to keep up with the MCLT website ( originally created by Mike Krohn and much admired by our sister CLTs in the region. Mike has now left the board and we are most grateful for the wonderful start he gave us.
Wanted! A Director and Secretary to Follow David Dodd
David has worked tirelessly as our secretary since MCLT was formed, but intends to retire soon so we are looking for someone to replace him as a director and take on the role of secretary. If you would like to think about this or know of anyone who might be interested please get in touch with David or any other board member (contact details below).
Housing Needs Survey
The CLT has been keeping up to date with housing needs by conducting informal interviews with local people. Now Marshfield Parish Council has commissioned a full housing needs survey to replace the one carried out in 2013. It will be undertaken by South Glos Council. Both the Parish Council and SGC are keen to ensure that people not currently living in the village, but who have strong links with Marshfield through family or employment, do not get overlooked by the survey. If you know of anyone with a local connection who is in housing need please forward their name to Marshfield Parish Council or MCLT (contact details below) and they will receive a form.
South Glos Local Plan Consultation
In our response to the recent consultation, we have argued that Marshfield’s contribution to SGC’s housing targets should come solely from MCLT, building affordable homes for local people via a ‘rural exception site’, and not from an allocation of land outside the village boundary for a market-led housing development.
And Finally
What keeps us going through all the ups and downs of working with the CLT is our belief that, particularly when it comes to housing and other community assets, local people should have a bigger say in deciding the long-term future of the village. If you have comments or questions please get in touch through our web site or via email to Christine Eden or David Dodd (contact details below). Alternatively you can approach any of our directors face-to face. As always, thank you for your support.
Christine Eden (Chair) Jim Brookes
OliverShirley (Vice Chair) Ian Dawes
David Dodd (Secretary) Jenny Gibbons
Simon Turner (Treasurer) Ian Jones
Contact details
Christine Eden 01225 891525
David Dodd 01225 891507
Marshfield Parish Council 01225 892102