Here’s the latest MCLT newsletter. It is being distributed around the village in paper form and it is also available in pdf form here.
Finding a Site for Affordable Homes
Over the past few months we’ve considered all the possible sites in and around Marshfield for up to 15 affordable homes. We are now following up a small number of ‘front runners’. When (and if) we find a site that is suitable and available we will consult with the village at a public
meeting. We hope to gain a broad consensus in favour of the proposed site before going ahead with a planning application.
Join Up Now
Currently Marshfield CLT has 148 members. There will be a Special General Meeting at the Community Centre on Wednesday December 7th for members to elect a board of directors. If you want to vote, or stand for election, be sure to join up now. Select Participation/Membership in the menu at the top of this page or write to David Dodd (CLT Hon Sec) at the Tolzey Hall to receive your membership pack.
Who Will the Homes Be For?
The Marshfield Village Housing Survey, carried out in 2013, indicated that the priority need was for small (2 bedroom) homes for rent, particularly aimed at younger people. But we need to know present day requirements. If you would like to be considered for an affordable home, whatever your age or family circumstances, please register your interest by sending us an email (select Participation/Contact us in the menu at the top of this page) or by completing and sending the tear-off slip on the bottom of the paper version of this newsletter.
Housing Workshops
In the New Year we plan to hold one or more housing workshops to provide more information and enable people to put their name on the list for an affordable home – full details available soon. We look forward to meeting you.
Christine Eden, Chair
Oliver Shirley, Vice-chair
November 2016
Do you have any idea when you will be able to hold a meeting and inform us about possible sites? It has been many months since I was excluded from CLT meetings whilst the site selection was ongoing! As a Marshfield person who is very active within the community and very keen for a CLT to take an active role in housing as well as other local issues, I am finding it very hard not to at least have a voice within what should be a community group. There are quite a few projects that I am involved in that could do with support from the CLT. I am not willing to “join” the CLT until I am a able to be a “full” member!
As I said in the recent edition of All Around Marshfield, the site selection process is taking some time and I recognise this does feel frustratingly slow. We are in negotiations with landowners but these need to be thought through carefully from both sides and we want to ensure that any site can work for affordable housing. So it’s difficult to give a date for a village meeting but we shall hold one as soon as we have a possible site.
We have a membership of over 150 now, many of whom came to a Members’ meeting in Oct and the Special General meeting in December. If you would like to join the MCLT please let David Dodd know either through an email (use the “Contact us” link in the “Participation” menu) or via the Tolzey Hall and he will let you have the relevant membership forms.
Christine Eden
Chair MCLT
If you “join” the CLT do you get the minutes of the meetings?
Becoming a member of the CLT means that you can participate in the running of the CLT. Members can propose candidates for the board; members elect the board; the board consults the members on important issues. But we do not publish minutes of board meetings, mainly because the board often discusses confidential topics – like site selection. It would be counter-productive to publish details of that before we are ready to go out to consultation.
The rules for the governance of the CLT, including the rights and responsibilities of members, are published on the site. Look under “Our CLT”, “Documents”, “The MCLT Rules”. It’s a pretty dense document but it’s the legal definition of what we are and how we work.