I discovered that the email delivery from the “Contact us” link on this site has not been working for several days. Sorry about that – my fault. It works again now. If you have sent us an email and not got any response, please could you send it again.
Month: November 2016
Re-organised website
People told me that it was difficult to find information on the MCLT website. I guess that’s true. The website started off as a sort of stream-of-consciousness blog to publish as much information as I could, and as quickly as I could, as the CLT evolved. A tidy structure was not one of the site’s strong points.
So I have restructured it. The background information and stuff that is mostly static is now presented as pages that you can access through the multi-level menu at the top of each page. News and opinion continues to be posted as blog entries. They are flagged as belonging to one or more categories and you can see all entries of a specific category by using the category list in the right-hand side bar.
I think the site is much better now. Hope you agree.
How to manage house prices
CLTs are regularly in the news now. Here‘s another article on the BBC news site about a CLT in Tower Hamlets and another in Rock in Cornwall.
Autumn newsletter
Here’s the latest MCLT newsletter. It is being distributed around the village in paper form and it is also available in pdf form here.
Finding a Site for Affordable Homes
Over the past few months we’ve considered all the possible sites in and around Marshfield for up to 15 affordable homes. We are now following up a small number of ‘front runners’. When (and if) we find a site that is suitable and available we will consult with the village at a public
meeting. We hope to gain a broad consensus in favour of the proposed site before going ahead with a planning application.
Join Up Now
Currently Marshfield CLT has 148 members. There will be a Special General Meeting at the Community Centre on Wednesday December 7th for members to elect a board of directors. If you want to vote, or stand for election, be sure to join up now. Select Participation/Membership in the menu at the top of this page or write to David Dodd (CLT Hon Sec) at the Tolzey Hall to receive your membership pack.
Who Will the Homes Be For?
The Marshfield Village Housing Survey, carried out in 2013, indicated that the priority need was for small (2 bedroom) homes for rent, particularly aimed at younger people. But we need to know present day requirements. If you would like to be considered for an affordable home, whatever your age or family circumstances, please register your interest by sending us an email (select Participation/Contact us in the menu at the top of this page) or by completing and sending the tear-off slip on the bottom of the paper version of this newsletter.
Housing Workshops
In the New Year we plan to hold one or more housing workshops to provide more information and enable people to put their name on the list for an affordable home – full details available soon. We look forward to meeting you.
Christine Eden, Chair
Oliver Shirley, Vice-chair
November 2016