This meeting was well attended. The MCLT Chair presented a short progress report and the members duly endorsed the new MCLT directors. The minutes of the meeting are available here.
Special General Meeting, 7th Dec 2016
All members are invited to attend a Special General Meeting of the Trust on 7 December at 8.00pm at the Small Hall in the Community Centre.
Note that attendance at this meeting is limited to members of the MCLT. That is, people who have signed up for membership and have received a share certificate.
Since Marshfield CLT formally came into existence in July a Board of Directors, appointed by the MCLT Steering Group have been responsible for managing all the affairs and activities of the Trust.
The rules of the Trust make clear that within six months of incorporation as a Community Benefit Society (which is our legal status) a Board of Directors must be elected at a Special General Meeting. Rule 18.6 states “The directors appointed by the subscribers to these rules must stand down at that special general meeting. The members may reappoint them at that meeting”.
Marshfield Community Land Trust is limited to nine directors, and all those members wishing to stand for election as Directors must be properly proposed and seconded by members, in writing, to reach the secretary by 09.00 Wednesday 30 November (see rule below) together with a brief CV.
A third of the Board will stand down at each subsequent General Meeting.
1. Welcome from the Chair
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Review of progress to date
4. Election of Directors
5. Any Other Business
David Dodd
Secretary Marshfield Community Land Trust
Tolzey Hall, 41 High St, SN14 8LR
15 Nov ’16
38.2 The society may assume – for all purposes – that members receive formal notices one working day after the society posts them.